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T h e  V i o l i n  &  V i o l a  S t u d i o

Please visit the Contact page to inquire about both in-person and virtual violin & viola lessons!

Private Lessons

Private lessons are a great way to build technique and work toward achieving short and long term goals! They are also wonderful settings in which to build confidence and self-esteem, explore creative problem-solving skills, and grow as musicians. In private lessons, I work one-on-one with my students, allowing me to meet each student where they are and offer a unique teaching approach that works best with their learning style. Parents are expected to be present for lessons, especially for very young students, so that they are equipped with the tools necessary to be the "home teacher" and so that they can ask questions that help keep everyone on the same page. (As students get older, parents are invited to remain in lessons, but is no longer required after a certain point.)

Lessons are offered in 30, 45, and 60 minute time blocks. The ability level (and sometimes age) of the student determines the appropriate length for the lesson. As students age and improve, their lesson may increase in length. I am happy to discuss with you what would be best for your child.

Group Classes
In addition to private lessons, my students also take part in a weekly group class, where they play alongside fellow students of similar ages and/or ability levels. Group class is important for reinforcing the concepts covered in lessons and for building community within the studio. I consider group class to be an absolutely essential part of my students' development, and love seeing them progress when they have the benefit of both one-on-one instruction and the opportunity to play often alongside their peers. 

Violin or Viola?

When deciding between the two instruments, it's important to remember that each student is different: some students really love the brilliance of a violin sound, while others prefer the richness and depth of the viola. If your child is unsure, I am happy to demonstrate both instruments in our lesson. For now, some key differences:

  • Size: The violin is a bit smaller than the viola, with full size violins being no longer than 14 inches in the body (not including the neck and scroll). Violas can come in much bigger sizes, the most common "full" sizes being around 15.5-16.5 inches. (Please note that depending on many factors regarding size, your child may start on a smaller-than-full-size instrument.)

  • Sound: Violins and violas have three strings in common -- A, D, and G. Violins have an E string, one fifth higher than the A string, and violas have a C string, one fifth lower than G.

  • Repertoire: While the first few Suzuki books tend to stick to the same pieces for both violin and viola (with a couple of exceptions), we start to see some differences in Book 4 (and especially in Book 5), celebrating and differentiating the characteristics of the two instruments.

So, which one? Well, there are some logistical aspects to keep in mind, mostly having to do with the size of the student. I am happy to discuss this further with you and your child in our lessons, so that we find the instrument that is best suited to them!

2024-2025 Term Dates

When you sign up to take lessons, you are making a commitment to attend weekly lessons and group classes for the entire year. Your lesson time is determined prior to the first lesson and is considered permanent. (If space in the schedule allows, there may be an option to switch to another time mid-year to accommodate for other activities. This is not guaranteed, but I understand that circumstances can change and would be glad to work with you if possible to find an agreeable solution!)

Please note that recitals and other performances will be scheduled throughout the year. I will always give advanced notice when such events are added to the calendar!

Semester 1: September 3, 2024 - February 2, 2025 (18 weeks, plus one make-up "week")

No classes or lessons during the week of November 25-December 1 (Thanksgiving holiday) or December 21, 2024-January 5, 2025 (Winter holiday)

Private lessons will be held as normal through December 16, with make-up "week" being held between December 17-20, 2024.

Semester 2: February 2, 2025 - June 15, 2025 (18 weeks, plus one make-up "week")

No classes or lessons during the week of March 24, 2025-March 30, 2025 (Spring Break). Lessons will resume Monday, March 31. 

Summer Session: Exact dates TBD.

Due to varying schedules of all involved, no group classes will be held during the summer session.

I will have more information on summer lesson scheduling midway through Semester 2.


Please visit the Contact page to get in touch with me. I look forward to hearing from you!

© 2024 by Courtney Bonifant

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